Wednesday, January 30, 2013

5th Grade's Got the Blues

Fifth graders have begun the final phase of our blues unit, composing and arranging their own blues lyrics using the 12-bar blues chord progression. Students have learned to identify the chord roots using the 1st, 4th and 5th notes of a major scale and label them using roman numerals (I, IV, and V) as well as the standard musical labels of "tonic," "subdominant," and "dominant." These three primary chords (we likened them to the primary colors of red, yellow and blue) are the basic chords upon which most popular music, rock songs, and folk songs are built around. Students have listened to legendary blues musicians including Bessie Smith, Huddie Ledbetter and Robert Johnson. Who are your favorite blues musicians?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Recorders are BACK!

Third Graders are bringing home their recorders this week! Please encourage your child to practice regularly--it's the key to success! After our 12 week recorder unit, all third graders will perform in Bear Tavern's Third Annual Empty Bowls Charity Night on Thursday March 21, 2013. Students will create ceramic bowls in art class to be displayed and purchased for donations benefitting Mercer Street Friends, a Quaker-affiliated nonsectarian organization providing care and assistance to those struggling with poverty and health issues in the greater Trenton and Mercer County areas

Monday, January 7, 2013

PSO String Quartet

As part of the Princeton Symphony Orchestra's BRAVO education outreach program, all 2nd and 3rd graders will enjoy a visit from members of the string section on Tuesday January 22nd in the APR. The musicians will perform for the students and explore topics of timbre, harmony, melody and dynamics with them. In May, students in 3rd and 5th grade will travel to Richardson Auditorium on the campus of Princeton University for a full formal children's concert performance. More details and field trip permission slips will be sent home in April.